St. John The Apostle
St. John, one of the twelve Apostles, was born to a Galilean fisherman named Zebedee, and his mother Salome. He is called the Apostle of Charity, commonly believed to have been the “beloved disciple” and companion of Jesus, and is credited with the
authorship of many religious works including three epistles and one Gospel. Prior to their calls by Jesus to follow Him, John, his brother James and the apostles Peter and Andrew were all partners in a fishing business. They had heard the preaching of John the Baptist along the Jordan, and when Jesus called the brothers, they happily left their business and followed. And under the guidance of Jesus, both brothers overcame their defects of character.
John was one of the three who witnessed the raising of Jairus’ daughter and the transfiguration. He was also with Jesus in his hour of trial in the Garden of Gethsemane where he witnessed the crucifixion and where Jesus instructed John to take care of his mother Mary. John was the only apostle who did not desert Jesus during his passion and stood at the foot of the cross. During the period between the Resurrection and the Ascension, John and Peter were together on the Sea of Galilee, having returned to their old calling: fishing. And when Jesus appeared on the shore in the dusk of morning, John was the first to recognize him. He is traditionally understood to be the only apostle who was not martyred.